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I was talking to my friend Michael Penland the other day about when is the best time to send emails out to your list. Some people say weekends, others on Tuesday, but never on a Friday is what I'm told. Why I asked him? This is what he told me . . .
What's the best day to send an email to your list? Most marketers can not give you a definitive answer, except to to say that Fridays are the pits. Upon what do they base this statement that Friday is the worse day for emailing?
Probably because someone told someone who told someone and the thought gained support. But what are the facts? Here they are:
An analysis of 14 months of email marketing which included 230,000 campaigns by email and 2.7 billion email messages from 4,000 mar-keting organizations revealed that the open rate for email is actually better for Friday than any other day.
Open rates for emails sent on Fridays was 39.6%. Slightly higher than Thursday open rate of 39%. Why are these facts important?
You can improve email open rates and thus responses and sales by moving more emails to Friday sends. One word of warning though:
The advantage of Friday emailing may be due to the simple fact that the "myth" about Friday emailing keeps most people from sending an email offer on Friday. Less competition means higher open rates.
Most of you know that for years I've been sending the majority of my email offers on Thursdays and Fridays. That's because I'm such a great, brilliant "guru" right? No way! It's called testing and "path of least resistance" strategy.
I know that fewer emails are sent over the weekend. That means less resistance to open the email and fewer competitors trying to grab your attention.
Want more ...Strategic mar*keting insight? The highest click-through rate in the study was 6.9% for Sundays. The month influences this also.
The average varied from 4.9% in June to 8.3% in October. Remember: In the Summer people are outdoors and away from their computer. In the Winter months they spend more time with their computer inside.
Another factor to getting your emails opened is the "Subject" line. During the 2005 holiday season, 43% of consumers opened emails with a compelling subject line. You can also segment your list by gender. Men respond better to fresh content and new products. Women find promotions and sales more appealing.
Use it in the subject line. Optimizing the subject line this way can increase your open rates by up to 25 percent.
To learn more on these and other subjects and pearls of wisdom, you should attend the big "Internet Marketing Seminar" that Michael is holding this May in Orlando, Florida.
Learn all the details by clicking here.
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