Jorge Arguello Daught Calm

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Your Greatest Asset - Is Your Customers


Hi, Who else wants to generate more profits? I know I do and if you follow certain steps and techniques, you'll be way on your way to generating mucho dinero. Well who better to learn from than the "greatest marketer of the modern era", Jay Abraham.

The following article excerpt comes from: "Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards" (Also known as the famed "Mr. X Book").

I own this book and it has helped me in my marketing efforts tremendously.

CUSTOMERS: Chapter 1

The first thing that Jay Abraham tried to teach me was the value of a customer. I don't mean the lukewarm, wishy-washy appreciation of customers that most businesses have. I mean the intense insight that it is not new customers, but old customers, who are the key to growth and profitability.

Your Greatest Asset - Is Your Customers The company does not exist that fully maximizes the potential inherent in its customer base.

In fact, most business owners stubbornly refuse to change their ways when it comes to marketing to their existing clients. They are blind.

Jay Abraham began to pound me incessantly on reselling my customer base. He literally forced me to take steps that led to marketing programs that capitalized on our greatest asset - our customers.

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To Your Success,



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