Jorge Arguello Daught Calm

This blog is the sister to my website at which is mainly a marketing and passive income generator resource center. From there, you can go to all my other websites as I create them This is the place where I will post things that I do, seminars that I attend, the GURUS I meet and sometimes a secret or two that spills out. Always stay tuned. I'll try to keep it livey and informative.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What is the real deal?


Hi my friend,

I really hope all is well even though it is so freaking hot like here in Redding, California. I almost wish I were a lizard. Maybe I'll eat one and gain its properties. LOL

Anyway, I want to address a few things here about being an "online E-preneur" and what it takes. I'm talking about my experiences but I can guarantee that everyone that starts a business feels like this and goes through this including all the "BIG GURUS" you've heard about.

I started out as an online e-preneur several years ago. Back then, it was all narcissistic really. More like, "Look at me! I'm online! A-nuk nuk". Shit, I didn't have any idea of the potential the internet had or what the heck being online was really all about.

Truth is I struggled much like many of you are today. To be even more frank, sometimes I struggle today. Yep, even still and perhaps not in the same way as back then, but with the new things I am trying to accomplish.

You've all heard the different axioms like:

1. The 80/20 rule
2. The money is in the list
3. I'll help you build a list with my program for FREE except you get three names every ten weeks
4. I'll help you if you give me 10,000 bucks and 500 a month

I could go on and on because I have heard it all. So folks, this is not a negative post. What I want you to do is FOCUS; focus on who you are and what you do really well.

Don't fall into the trap of believing that if you join all these programs and buy all these products you'll be rich overnight! Yeah, 5 or 10 years later it will look like overnight, and that's only if you persevere and stick with it.

The Who asked the question well. Who are you? What do you know really well that you think others, like you, know how to do?

Ask yourself, what's your main motivation as to what and why you want to be an online entrepreneur. Do you really even know? Do you have a unique selling proposition and do you know what that really is or means?

Do you have a plan of action and have you written it down so you can come back to it later and see if you are accomplishing your goals and actions? Having a plan of action will give you the insight you need. . . into yourself and your belief of your business.

Yes, business because being online cruising and surfing is not a business. Creating a website without really knowing what you are selling to people that actually relate to you is a losing proposition.

Focus my friend, on yourself, what you want your lifestyle to be and will your online experience provide you the lifestyle you seek? You see it is not all dollars and cents all the time. It really is a LIFE CHOICE and your online business must support that lifestyle you want to attain and relish.

Otherwise you have traded one JOB for another JOB, and that is not the way to go. You might as well stay where you are at. But if you can have free time to spend with your children, sleep in when you want to, golf whenever you feel like it and play hoochie coochie with your lover when you want, then start focusing on your who you are and where you are so you can get to where you want to be.

One of my mentors taught me that and I haven't looked back ever since.

Look for more lessons here in my posts but to really get the gist of where I'm going, join the newsletter and make sure you get the information.

Here's to doing what you love whenever and with whomever you want, always.



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