Jorge Arguello Daught Calm

This blog is the sister to my website at which is mainly a marketing and passive income generator resource center. From there, you can go to all my other websites as I create them This is the place where I will post things that I do, seminars that I attend, the GURUS I meet and sometimes a secret or two that spills out. Always stay tuned. I'll try to keep it livey and informative.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why a Mastermind is So Important.


Ask any famous and successful person you know and they'll tell you that having trusted ADVISORS and like minded individuals in their life had more to do about their success than the actual business that they chose. It's about having the right people around you to make your decisions easier and in line what you are doing.

Coaches and counselors, divine angel therapists and astrologers all have flourished because of the need for advice about every turn and move we make.

Napolean Hill probably COINED the word mastermind but he realized from interviewing the TOP MEGA STARS of his day that they all had trusted people around them.

If you are a publisher of e-books, e-zine articles, books for print or even songs, poetry and prose, then having the tools at your hand and resources from individuals, a mastermind, then it becomes easier to attain. Take Ben Franklin for instance . . .

Ben Franklin knew how to generate Benjamin's by the boat load (I just had to say that). Before they were even called Benjamin's, he was creating great stacks of cash -- through the power of publishing.

Today, literally anything you do to make money online involves publishing, in one form or another. When you learn how to publish the right way, you don't even have to write to build a potential information publishing empire selling all the informative, original products and services you want to.

I created a way to bring PUBLISHING and MASTERMINDING together by creating what is known today as:

The Franklin Guild

When you publish the Franklin Guild way, E-books, information products, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, online videos ... you name it ... come pouring forth almost automatically. All you have to do is throw out what you DON'T want to publish and keep what you do.

You decide and you keep only the very best; original, unique and targeted information that your competitors would almost kill to get their hands on.

The Franklin Guild is a private mastermind that will literally put the power to control your own destiny in your hands through easy, almost automatic information publishing and marketing.

Membership into this private mastermind is only available by invitation. Fortunately, I'm a member and I've been authorized to invite my READERS to join. But only for a very limited time.

Here's where you can read all about how you gain access to the wisdom and resources of 100, 1,000 or even 10,000 other like-minded entrepreneurial information publishers, plus work directly with a star-studded faculty of online marketing experts that continues to grow.

Plus, you'll also discover how you can add all of this amazing power to your quest for success at hardly no cost.

The Franklin Guild

Now, Here's something even better -- you can join The Franklin Guild for 30 days and only for $1, when you sign up before this special introductory offer goes away for good October 1, 2007.

I don't know when I'll be authorized to make an invitation like this again at any price, but I know for certain it won't be just $1 if I do. If you are reading this post then this is the time to act . . . and to act quickly. There's no cost or obligation to stay in the group and you can cancel at any time and owe nothing more.

There is a special members-only Webinar/Teleconference scheduled for Thursday night, September 27 at 7:30 p.m. eastern U.S. time. Normally I would ask you to join and then I would send you a link and all that but I want you to actually try it before, even if it does cost a buck to try.

So here are the call details:

Date: Thursday, September 27, 2007
Time: 7:30 p.m. Eastern U.S. time
Dial-In Telephone Number: 218-486-1300 PIN code: 106260#
(be sure you hit the "pound" key after the numbers)

If you ever wanted to start a publishing empire and have a business -- online or offline -- that needs a serious boost or if you'd like to start an online business the tried-and-true, no-risk, easy way enjoying life more than ever before then the,

The Franklin Guild holds the key to lighting up your future.

Here, you not only become a member of publishing giants but you have a MASTERMIND as well. You're never alone with:

The Franklin Guild

I look forward to your presence in our mastermind and utilizing the publishing site as well.

Become a Hemingway through the Franklin Guild.




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