Educated customers = more sales
A couple of postings ago, I taught you about how your greatest asset is your customer. In this lesson you will learn how to educate your customer which comes from the Mr. X book. I'm here to tell you that it is the most complete book on marketing, from the master himself, Jay Abraham.
Ok, here's that lesson from the worlds greatest marketer... The following article excerpt comes from:
"Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards" (Also known as the famed "Mr. X Book")
When You Educate Your Customers, You'll See Your Profits Soar. Think about yourself. When you buy or consider buying any item or service - for yourself, your home, your family, as a gift or for your business - you often don't know as much as you would like about the item.
If you have unanswered questions about a product you're less likely to shell out the money to buy it. When a company or salesman takes the time and initiative to objectively educate you on all the products in the field you're considering making a purchase, it gains your trust and favor.
Education is a powerful marketing technique. Educate your prospective buyer about every-thing (including a few of the bad or less positive aspects of your product or service) and you'll sell to almost twice as many people as you do now.
This one concept on educating your customers will gain you an inordinate advantage over your competitors. Believe me, very few online marketers ever take the time out to educate their customer; their market.
If you want to have the advantage over your competitor, then learning the techniques taught by Jay Abraham will take you and your business into the stratosphere.
Oh and just in case you're wondering, I own this book. I keep it under lock and key, that's how "precious" it is to me. And not only that, I have studied under Jay Abraham with his other course, "How to get from where you are to where you want to be", a monumental step in my education. But that's another article. :-)
So, If you liked this article and would like more like this one then visit the website here at:
Every marketer, online or offline, should own a copy of "Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and other Marketing Wizards" Get it today.
To your success.