Jorge Arguello Daught Calm

This blog is the sister to my website at which is mainly a marketing and passive income generator resource center. From there, you can go to all my other websites as I create them This is the place where I will post things that I do, seminars that I attend, the GURUS I meet and sometimes a secret or two that spills out. Always stay tuned. I'll try to keep it livey and informative.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reduce Your Costs - Maximize Your Profits


The idea for the "American Association of Business People & Entrepreneurs" or AABPE for short, came to J.F. (Jim) Straw late one night in the first week of November, 2008, when he saw a TV commercial for the AARP.

Jim asked himself, "Why isn't there an organization like that for Business People?" After thinking about it for a couple days, the idea for, and concept of, such an organization began forming in Jim's mind and he began writing notes to himself regarding the formation of such an organization.

To get some ideas, Jim researched the AARP, NFIB (National Federation of Independent Business), Farmer's Co-ops, and a plethora of Business Organizations - and - began gathering information on product and service providers to contact.

Now, the "American Association of Business People & Entrepreneurs" has become a reality ... it went live at midnight on December 31, 2008.

We are dedicated to reducing costs and maximizing the profits of American Business People & Entrepreneurs.

As a member of the AABPE you will be able to take advantage of ...

MARKETING POWER -- "Real" Free Advertising Methods & Channels ...Advertising (online & offline) at the deepest (agency) discounts ... Copywriting to market and sell your products (tangible & intangible) and services ... Ad Layout & Design ... Website Creation ... Search Engine Optimization ... and even marketing to the membership of AABPE directly.

MENTORING -- Personal, one-on-one mentoring from a "real" person currently involved in; or retired from, your industry or field of endeavor.

FINANCIAL RESOURCES -- Flexible Loan Programs ... Individually Tailored Financial Services ... Business Credit Plans ... Start-up Capital ...Working Capital ... Credit Card Merchant Accounts & Processing ... Inventory Financing ... Deal Financing ... Accounts Receivable Factoring ... Letters of Credit ... at the best rates and terms to meet your financial needs.

MANAGEMENT & OPERATIONS ASSISTANCE -- Leadership Training ... Human Resources Management Services (handbooks, audits, regulatory compliance) ... Mediation & Conflict Resolution ... Legal Services ... Performance Improvement Consulting (individual and organizational) ... Time Management ... Cash Flow Management ... Motivation & Focus Training ... Employee Recruitment (Headhunting) ... Business Plan Preparation ... Discounted Shipping & Freight Rates.

CONTINUING EDUCATION & TOOLS -- Free Articles & eBooks ... Manuals ... Courses ... Programs ... Software Applications ... Java Scripts ... HTML & PHP Coding.

TANGIBLE PRODUCTS -- Computers ... Printers ... Video Equipment .. Peripherals ... Office Furniture ... Fixtures ... Office Supplies.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS -- Group Insurance Plans for your employees ... Production Incentives ... Sales Incentives ... Seminars ... Retreats ... Employee Training & Education.

CUSTOMER BENEFITS -- Bonuses (tangible & intangible; products & services) to enhance the sale of your own products or services ... Premiums ... Buyer Incentives & Contests.

PERSONAL BENEFITS -- Access to health insurance, automobile insurance, homeowners insurance ... Expert advice on healthy living, financial planning, consumer protection.

BUYING POWER -- All of the products and services available to you as a member of the AABPE will have been negotiated at the best possible price and under the best possible terms to increase your Buying Power - BUT - that's not all.

As a member of the AABPE you will have full and unrestricted access to our ...

RESEARCH BUREAU -- Anytime you need or want any kind of product (tangible or intangible) or service for your business; for yourself or your customers, as a member of the AABPE, all you need to do is submit your request directly to our "Research Bureau." -- Best efforts will be made to locate and negotiate the best possible prices and terms for you using the strength of our paid membership.

Those products and services will then be made available to you and other members of AABPE who may need or want them.

As long as you stand alone, you will be forced to accept the prices and terms that you, alone, can personally and individually negotiate. United with thousands of others, your voice will be heard, giving you the strength you need to bargain for the products and services you need to maximize your profits.

Alone, you can do little. -- United in the AABPE you will be a force to be reckoned with.

So click on the link below and come join us, today ...

American Association of Business People & Entrepreneurs

Don't be left out in the cold; do this now. Thanks for your time
